Autonomous Driving
Assembly Line
Komatsu achieves major autonomous milestones
With a fleet of more than 750 autonomous haul trucks commissioned worldwide, Komatsu customers have hauled more than 10 billion metric tons of material and are adding to that milestone at a rate of over 6 million metric tons per day. Additionally, 10 Komatsu autonomous trucks have achieved a benchmark of 100 thousand autonomous hours each, a first in the mining industry.
Komatsu launched the FrontRunner Autonomous Haulage System (AHS) in 2008, marking the world’s first commercial application of an AHS. In the years since, Komatsu has continued to innovate alongside customers to meet their evolving needs and offer tailored autonomous solutions to promote enhanced operations on a mine-by-mine basis.
Solving the Last Mile of Autonomous Farming
SparkAI is the first to generalize a solution we originally developed to help self-driving cars overcome unexpected driving scenarios, and make it available to the wider universe of automation applications. We combine people and technology in a lightweight API that resolves machine learning exceptions in real-time.
Here’s how it works: in moments of low-confidence, the autonomous tractor automatically calls SparkAI’s service, passing imagery and other metadata via REST API. SparkAI’s objective is to resolve difficult-to-discern details about the scene to support a real-time decision. We do this by combining two key components in real-time: (1) cognitive input from multiple human mission specialists trained for the use case, and (2) results from our own proprietary software-based decision systems. SparkAI returns this resolution directly to the robot. The robot then combines this resolution with its pre-existing knowledge of the world to decide on a safe and confident action.